The Reactforce (React + Salesforce) Enterprise Portal

5 min readSep 25, 2023


The secret of the software multiverse

Well… its just about done. The architecture is complete. The components are mostly built. I’m putting the final touches on it and then it will be ready for general availability.

So what is it? What have I been writing to myself about this whole time?

Its an incredible piece of technology that can save companies MILLIONS of dollars in implementation and on-going dev-ops costs when building new systems.

I have deployed it numerous times, in various forms. However I’ve finally perfected it and have figured out how to package it.

I hope you will check it out. I know my clients love it and every project I have used it on has been almost too easy.

So what’s in the box?

An Enterprise Ready Backend

  • Built on-top of — but rather then a blank canvas you get a very opinionated way to build and deploy Salesforce applications. For example:
  • Trigger Handler Pattern (Because we needed another one right?)
  • Async Handler Pattern (The best and easiest way to build and manage any async work)
  • Logging Utils (A super easy way to log anything to an SObject that includes surviving DML rollbacks)
  • API Handler Pattern (An express like framework for building fully dynamic and introspective REST apis that is available for aura enabled, remote methods, and public api access).
  • APIs can be 100% built in configuration using invokable flows.
  • Platform Event Handler Patterns (Super simple event processing)
  • Data Versioning and Rollback (All data in the system can easily be snapshot and better yet rolled back to an earlier version with a click)
  • Data Retention Governor (Easily define data retention policies and either flag or purge data automatically)
  • Unlimited outbound emails and sms with prebuilt integrations to numerous messaging gateways.
  • Email Send/Open/Click Tracking for outbound campaigns including prebuilt and fully customizable email templates
  • SMS Click Tracking for outbound campaigns
  • Prebuilt Marketing Attribution Models including first touch, last touch, and equal split
  • Prebuilt identity management solutions for just about any use case including passwordless and email only verification.
  • By adding Salesforce Shield the solution becomes fully encrypted at rest for any fin-tech, healthcare, or anyone needing an extra level of security.
  • Fully automated end-to-end CI/CD using CumulusCI and Github actions.
  • Pre-built integration with Statuspage from Atlassian to automatically deploy a public trust site for your application services.
  • Managed Services and Support Solutions for anyone not wanting to manage their own tech.

But wait! There is more!

The Best Front End Framework Available

An Enterprise Ready Front End Template

  • Multiple Templates for building next generation, mobile first, pixel perfect websites using the Reactforce framework.
  • React SPAs (single page applications) that provides all the necessary components necessary to get to market FAST.
  • Fully control the URLs of your website with React Routing
  • Fully control the state of complex applications with React Redux
  • Fully customizable marketing landing pages for lead capture and funnel management.
  • Pre-built integrations with Google Analytics and Facebook Marketing.
  • Pre-built integration with Fullstory integration for monitoring client side behavior and customer support
  • Pre-built chat-bots for easy and cheap customer service
  • Fully customizable account sign up and log-in solutions leveraging the numerous Identity Management solutions available.
  • Pre-built communication, privacy, and opt-out solutions to easily meet GDPR/HIPAA/CCPA requirements from day 1
  • Fully customizable case management solutions for getting up and running FAST with a customer support help desk.
  • Access any and all necessary data points on salesforce with the Salesforce APIs or custom Apex Rest endpoints.
  • Access any apex class using remote methods or via lightning messaging to bypass API limits.
  • Fully accessible solution
  • A fully internationalized solution with translation support
  • Numerous design themes including Lightning Design System and Material UI.
  • Easy Content Management for business driven content changes.
  • React Native templates for streamlining App store deployments.
  • And maybe my favorite feature… hot reloading for accelerating your web programmers development times at least 10x if not more as compared to building lightning components. (Maybe 1000x!)
  • And finally your CEO/CIS/CSO’s favorite feature… this entire platform runs entirely 100% natively on the platform which reduces security risk, removes middleware and integration cost, radically shrinks your DevOps requirements, and overall just makes deploying incredible sites as easy as deploying a static resource.

Basically it is all you need to get up and running with a fully compliant, auditable, enterprise solution within hours instead of months (or years).

Build a tech company with 2 employees (or less!) instead of 500.

Get to market in thousands, not millions, of dollars.

If you have Salesforce… or want it…

If you have a React developer… or can find one…

If you don’t want to buy a marketing automation system…

If you don’t want to buy and integrate 8 systems to do the job of one…

You will love this solution.

It has been used in whole or in part at a financial services start-up disrupting the college lending world.

It has been used by start-ups to build funnels, order management, and customer support solutions with one salesforce license.

It has been used in whole or in part to drive sales from Facebook ads through to pharmaceutical at-home delivery.

It has been used in whole or in part to manage nursing scheduling and reporting for at-home drug trials.

It has been used in whole or in part to quickly deploy an entire patient portal for a large hospital system.

After more than 10 years of being a Certified Technical Architect, CTO of multiple companies, technical auditor of numerous Big-4 projects, tech lead on many start-ups, and basically a serverless navy seal I can promise you this is the BEST, FASTEST, and most AWESOME way to build a new system.

Let me know if you are interested in checking it out or hearing about how you can try it.

Now I have to figure out how to get this thing through security review. More later!

And if you are really wanting to know what is under the covers…

Lots of cool boxes and arrows indicating something special

